Wednesday 20 January 2010

Emailed MiniNova


I'm a University student doing my final year dissertation on Piracy and Copyright and I would be really grateful if you could answer some of my questions.
You answers will go towards my primary research for my essay.

1.When did Mininova start?

2.Does Bit-torrenting help artists to distribute there creations more easily than if they were to distribute it through shops?

3.How can you tell if the material you are downloading is copy-written?

4.As an Animation Student, distribution is very important for me in order to get my films exposed. What does Mininova offer over popular video sites such as Youtube?

Thank you for your time.

New Animation Blog

My old Blog is being deleted by BlogSpot because it was flagged as a "Spam Blog". I'll be copying all my old post onto this new blog.